Sustainable Finance & Innovation Services

Discover the most recent and innovative projects FEDARENE members have been working on to accelerate and finance Europe’s Energy Transition at local and regional level.

Finding appropriate funding for sustainable energy and climate projects is a real challenge for local and regional authorities. They often lack the staff, technical skills and face a heavy administrative burden. In this new publication, you will find out some of the most recent and innovative projects FEDARENE’s member regions and energy agencies have been working on to accelerate and finance Europe’s Energy Transition at the local and regional levels:

  • REGEA (HR) is connecting investors and owners of buildings with suitable rooftops through their innovative digital investment platform to promote solar energy and sustainable practices;
  • In 2019, OÖ Energiesparverband (AT) organised the International Clean Energy Challenge which brought together young professionals and partner companies for a cutting-edge event of collaborative innovation;
  • Through the LIFE BE REEL project, the Wallonia region (BE) involves local actors and citizens in the implementation of its regional renovation strategy;
  • Developed in 2019 by the Oeste Regional Energy Agency – Oeste Sustentável (PT), the OesteLED streetlighting ESCO project is the biggest LED streetlighting project ever launched in Portugal, and one of the biggest in the world.

All projects are featured in our 2020 Sustainable Regions in Action brochure published in January 2020.