
An array of studies, policy papers and reports are developed in the frame of FEDARENE’s activities and projects. The following documents are categorised by topic, type of publication and by projects.

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How Narratives can improve Energy Efficiency and Security in Europe

After analysing the insights of over 1,200 experts on the progress in energy efficiency policies as well as trending narratives across Europe, the EEW4 project brings you its final results.

10 case studies to support energy efficiency narratives

The Energy Efficiency Watch EU project publishes ten exemplary case studies to inform EU policy makers on how to complement policy instruments by successful narratives.

The missing “WHY” for energy efficiency – EEW4 Survey Results

The Energy Efficiency Watch presents the results of its new survey, bringing together the insights of over 1,200 experts on the progress in energy efficiency policies and key factors for narrative development in all EU Member States.